The Bank Tank

Relive the night of our first Bank Tank
event with the video below.

Pitch Your Business Idea. And you could win $20,000!

Fortress Bank continues to recognize the importance of small business owners in our communities and the positive impact they have on our local economies. Our mission is to empower fellow visionaries and small business owners to fulfill their dreams.

Fortress Bank Tank Contest is our version of Shark Tank, where any current business or upstart can pitch their business vision for a chance to win $20,000. Elyce Billany, Fortress Marketing Director, will be hosting the event. Elyce’s side-hustle business was featured on ABC’s Shark Tank.

2025 Bank Tank

February 19, 2025
5:00pm – 8:00pm

Distillery Labs
201 SW Adams St, Peoria, IL 61602

The pitch contest will start after music and drinks in front of a live audience. The winner will be announced at the end of the night. This event is open to the public.

To attend this event as part of our live audience, please RSVP at the link below!

Bank Tank In The News

Check out the 2022 Bank Tank event featured in the news!



You’re invited to a special night of spirited competition. Attendance is first come first serve and seating is limited.


$20,000 to an existing or start-up small business with a bold vision looking to launch a product or service or expand a current product or service.


  • Applicant must be 18 years of age or older
  • If you are a small business owner looking to launch a new product/service or looking to expand your business and wish for an opportunity to present at our Fortress Bank Tank Pitch Contest, please complete the application below.
  • Applicants must live or do business in the following market areas – Quad Cities, Central Illinois, Western Illinois or Des Moines, IA
  • Business must be for-profit
  • If chosen for the next round you will be required to submit a business plan
  • Applicants do not have to be a customer of Fortress Bank to participate
  • Fortress Bank employees and Fortress Bank Board of Directors are ineligible

Process and notification

  • A selection committee will screen all applications and (3) three applicants will be selected to pitch their bold vision
  • Final applicants will be asked to submit final business plans prior to pitching on February 19th
  • Applications open on December 2nd and close on Friday, January 17, 2025.
  • It is difficult to obtain detailed information about the selection committee’s decisions about the applications eventually chosen, so you should not anticipate detailed feedback if your business is not selected
  • In true Shark Tank style the live presentations will be no longer than 10 minutes. Presentations will be timed and once a presentation has reached its limit, the presenter will be asked to stop immediately
  • Participants will take part in a brief Q & A with a panel of local successful business owners
  • The panel will then score based on four categories (idea, business plan, presentation and financials). They will deliberate and select a winner that night.
  • Selected finalists will receive food, drink and accommodation provided by Fortress

Fortress Bank has additional small business resources to help you manage and grow your business.

If you would like additional resources or have any questions, please contact moc.ssertrofknab@knatknabeht.

The Bank Tank – Apply Now!

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